We’ve talked about the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in many of our previous blogs. The blogs highlighted how websites cannot survive in today’s world without good SEO practices. People familiar with it will also know the importance of content.
Without content, your website would be empty, and it wouldn’t help users in any way. And when it cannot help users in any way, no one would want to spend time on it. We’re not just talking about content here, but about SEO content.
In today’s tough competition, every writer needs to know about SEO content writing, as standard content isn’t enough when you want to succeed online. In this blog, we’ll tell you 9 excellent tips to nail SEO Content Writing.
So, let’s begin.
Research Keywords
Keywords are the words that people write in the search bar. Based on them, some results show up. But the number of results that appear is limited, meaning if a website hasn’t written content based around the searched keyword, they won’t appear in the search results.
Search engines have become more intelligent and now don’t rank websites only on keywords as they used to in the past, but that doesn't mean they don’t consider keywords at all. They do because search engines still have a long way to become so intelligent that they can read the entire content within seconds and rank it based on relevancy.
So, you have to do keyword research. You can do it using tools like Semrush. This tool does extensive research and is an excellent choice for beginners and experts. You can also search for some keywords in the Google search engine, and at the bottom of the page, you’ll see- people also search for. Using all the information you get is vital, as it will also reflect in your content.
Read Other Blogs
While researching for keywords, you also have to read other content similar to the topic you’ll write. Doing this will help you know what your competitors are doing and get an idea of what users read.
Reading other blogs will also give you ideas if you’re stuck and don’t know what to write. Once you start doing this, you’ll get a pretty good idea about how you must approach and search for a topic so that you can write the best blog on it.
And read more than one blog so you can get a real good idea.
Create An Outline
All the good writers recommend that you create an outline before writing the content. Doing this will set a clear picture in your mind about what you have to write when you sit down to write.
Creating an outline is easy. You have to write the main topic, the heading, and the subheadings. Most often, writing seems difficult when you face the blank screen. But then, when you create an outline, the mental barrier in your mind is removed.
Also, when you have an outline in place, you can think of other ideas about what could be included in the content. You basically get several benefits, and the writing process becomes a whole lot easier when you create an outline.
Write Like Crazy
The next step is to write ruthlessly. You have to write without thinking about grammar and anything that would slow you down. In this step, you only have to write based on the ideas and keywords you already have. You have to know that including keywords initially can be challenging. Don’t focus on changing your sentences so that you can include the keywords.
When you write like crazy, you’ll be amazed at how fast you can write. And there’s a different sense of satisfaction when you know you only have to review the content and not write the entire content.
Answer Commonly Asked Questions
When you read other blogs, you may see how users ask questions in the comment section (considering the websites have a comment section). Often, the questions go unanswered, which leaves users dissatisfied with the website.
In this point, we want to tell you that you can observe the questions from various websites and then create content around them. It is one of the best ways to become an authoritative website and never run out of content ideas. With this practice, you can become an authority in your niche because authoritative websites answer users’ questions.
You can find relevant questions and answer them in your blogs. To do that, we recommend you put questions in the outline we talked about in the earlier part of this blog.
Take Frequent Breaks
You cannot do a task for hours that requires you to use your brain. Our human brain is built in a way that to have high efficiency, we have to take breaks after some minutes of doing something. It is also relevant for SEO writing.
From now on, you can spend 30 to 40 minutes writing and take a break for 5 to 10 minutes after doing that. There is no point in stressing your mind by working continuously because it won’t help you write quality content. Moreover, when you take a break for some minutes and get your mind off of writing, you may just get fantastic ideas that you can use in your blog.
Remember that you get the best ideas when you’re doing something unrelated. That is why people say showers are great for getting new ideas. Find an activity that helps you get ideas and do it in the breaks you take.
Provide Links Where You Can
SEO content writing is incomplete without links to other websites that explain a topic in more detail. You cannot expect your website to rank when you don’t follow this practice. Google and other search engines highly value websites that include internal and external links.
The truth is, you can’t cover everything about a topic. It could be because of the extensive research you would have to do. Also, when you write detailed blogs, the word count can easily exceed 3000, and there is no upper limit. And you have to know that most people won’t read lengthy blogs because of lack of time or interest. If your website doesn’t specialize in long-form content, we recommend you don’t exceed the word limit you’ve set.
Let the websites specializing in in-depth content do the work. Don’t hesitate to provide a link to their website when you feel they can explain a topic in a better and simpler way.
Proofread & Edit
After you’ve written the content, it is time to proofread it. You must do it because you wrote ruthlessly and didn’t focus on grammar and other things (we discussed this in a point above). You can’t let content pass without proofreading.
You can find a lot of mistakes when you proofread. It isn’t uncommon to remove some sentences because you will know what doesn’t serve any purpose when you read something later. So, remove without hesitation because what you notice will also be noticed by your readers. And if they find that your content has mistakes, they’ll stop reading your blogs.
You must spend considerable time editing the entire content as it will ensure you offer the best to your users.
Share Content On Social Media
After the content is live, you want to share it to let people know about it. In today’s time, most people are present on social media platforms. So, it is wise to share your content’s link there so that people can directly follow the link and land on your website.
If you’ve written high-quality content, we ensure that people will read it. It will help you improve your website’s SEO because people will spend more time on it and know that you write quality content.
You can choose two to three social media platforms and focus on sharing your content there. After some time, you can transition to more.
In today’s time, all businesses have to focus on optimizing their websites for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). They can do all they want, but succeeding online will always be a distant dream if they don’t start creating SEO-friendly content.
The thing with SEO-friendly content is that it is not that difficult to master. A good writer who doesn’t know anything about SEO can do it in some time. All they need is practice, and after some time, they’ll know how to use keywords naturally in the content.
We can assure you that you’ll see a significant boost in your website’s traffic and conversions once you start implementing these 9 excellent tips to make your website’s content SEO-friendly.